
Ekphrastic Poetry
Formally, I find it important to make use of some sort of limitation—some “given”—in order to distract my more conventional analytical mind. A given might be a still life painting. Something to wrangle my imagination around – Diane Seuss.
Poets have always been inspired by the visual arts. In another’s creation, we witness the details, the sensibility of the artist and in our response, an aspect of ourselves.
In this class, we will experiment with different techniques as we enter paintings that call to us. We will have four weeks on Zoom.
We will write and revise, giving constructive feedback in an intimate group of maximum 7 participants.
4 Fridays from 9:30- 12:30pm. 5th | 12th | 19th | 26th November.
Tuition: $120/ $100 for members of DP.
Contact us to enrol.

Facilitator: Laura Jan Shore is the author of the historical novel, The Sacred Moon Tree and poetry collections, Breathworks, Water over Stone, which won IP Picks Best Poetry 2011 and Afterglow, Interactive Press 2020. She has taught creative writing and mentored writers for 40 years. President of Dangerously Poetic Press, she has co-edited 12 poetry collections. She earned her MFA in Poetry from Pacific University in 2019. Visit website HERE.